SOS = Save Our Sulphur Mustangs
© Copyright 2003 - 2010 American Sulphur Horse Association. All Rights Reserved 
Save Our Sulphur Mustangs
Ken Salazar - : 202.912-7260 202/208-4896 Cell (801) 539-4057 Cell:(435) 590-5395
Pres. & VP Email:

I don't think Ms Landrieu would mind if SOS "Friends" would use a couple of the paragraphs from her report if you stated, "I agree with Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisana, when she said, "....................."

The wild mustangs are living symbols of our country’s history and pioneering spirit. Anyone who has had the privilege of watching a wild herd graze freely and calmly understands what majestic animals these wild mustangs truly are. It is hard to fathom that hundreds of our wild horses have died at the hands of the federal agency entrusted to protect them. I will continue to urge the BLM to stop the inhumane roundups and work to find a better legislative solution.

Letting the death toll of America’s mustangs continue to rise is simply not an option.  Currently, more than 32,000+ horses have already been removed from the ranges and are being forced into overcrowded and inhumane holding facilities. Not only is this not a safe or desirable solution for the animals, but also it is costing the American taxpayers more than $30 million a year. There are an estimated 37,000 mustangs and burros that live in our Western states. We now have nearly that amount in custody and the BLM plans to remove an additional 12,000 wild horses from the ranges at a cost of millions to the American taxpayer.

The BLM states that the wild horse population is expanding rapidly and it needs to relocate these animals to prevent the exhaustion of the region’s resources. The BLM has been stating this for more than a decade now, but has yet to implement a sound management plan. In 1971, when the National Wild Horse and Burro Program was created, there were 54 million acres for wild horse and burros. Now, only 27 million acres remain. And in every year since the BLM was entrusted with this program, populations have exceeded the agency’s appropriate management level by thousands of animals, reaching over 60,000 at one point. Enough is enough. It is time to find a more effective management plan for these horses that does not result in the careless deaths of so many.

Your name & Address
The BLM is ready to go! IT'S TIME TO SEND YOUR LETTERS NOW!!! The round up starts Dec. 8 and is scheduled to go through to Dec. 16, 2010. You can use a couple of paragraphs of the letters below to help you if you can't think of anything to say. PLEASE write and Email your letters TODAY!  Time is running out for us and the Sulphur Mustangs!
I was reading the EA_Sulphur_Wild_Horse_HMA_Gather_Plan2.3.2 to Remove or Reduce Livestock within the HMA

The BLM is currently authorized to remove livestock from HMA “if necessary to provide habitat for wild horses or burros, to implement herd management actions, or to protect wild horses or burros from disease, harassment or injury” under CFR 4710.5. This authority is usually applied in cases of emergency and not for general management of wild horses or burros in a manner that would be inconsistent with the land-use plan and separate decisions establishing the appropriate levels of livestock grazing and wild horse use respectively. Available data also indicates that wild horse use – including where livestock use has been excluded – has resulted in excessive vegetative utilization and impacts to rangelands that are recovering from wildfire. (Sulphur HMA is shared by several herds of Elk and deer.)
Subject: Comments on Sulphur Springs Wild Horse Roundup, 12/2010.

I oppose the Bureau of Land Management’s plan to waste tax dollars by capturing and removing Wild Horses from the Sulphur Springs HMA, in Utah. The BLM is screwy about how many Wild Horses the HMA can handle. The Sulphur Springs HMA has 100 fewer Mustangs on it now, than it did when the were discovered in 1980, certainly the population 200 Spanish Horses on this HUGE 474,000-acre (740 square mile) public land area can not be over grazed by the Wild Horses!

The Sulphur Horse's ancestors ran with the Native Americans and the cowboys of the Old West, they fought with Spanish Colonists in Southern California, they invaded Mexico with the Conquistadors and crossed the Atlantic with Columbus.

SaveOurSulphur Mustangs aka SOS, The entire Sulphur Springs HMA is an enormous 142,000 acres. Sulphur Horses are going to be rounded up on 12/8/10 thru 12/16/10, the BLM of Utah is rounding up 200 planned to roundup? 30 Sulphurs will be removed. 70 mares will be injected with PZP for birth control..
Be sure to put this on the subject line: Comments on Sulphur Springs Wild Horse Roundup, 12/2010.
Keep your letters short, these "guys" don't like to read LONG letters. Besides they are probably getting the Helicopter ready for the roundup! :(
On your last sentence add something that means something special to you - something that might help the BLM to THINK about the Mustangs.
Be polite. No swearing!
Under your signature & address, please list what Horse or Mustangs Associations/Clubs you belong to :)
Remember to send SOS a copy of your letter at
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2008 Sulphur Horses gather and the 2009 adoption