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Photos of Ron Roubidoux Sulphur Horses
Ron Roubidoux, sent this photo and description to Judy Cubel, ASHA's newsletter and website editor. In Ron's own words, he describes who is who in the photo. "Spice is front left with her colt, Walkara head toward camera, Mestene's colt Pueblo is behind and to her side, more hidden.  Chance is next, by himself.  Then Tia the light grulla and Smoky a dark grulla, are together.  Then Barb's colt Sioux Sock and Smoky's grullo colt, Coal.  Lastly are Mestene facing the camera and Barb with her head away from the camera.  The horses are here at the hatchery down at the lower end of the property.  It was late August or early September when I took the picture".  
Sulphurs Spice
Sulphurs Chance
Ron says, "I started with Mestene, Barb, their mother Molly, Tia, Smokey, and Chance.  I later got Spice and Delta. All but Tia and Delta had foals every year after Chance started his work.

Most of my Sulphurs were registered in the Spanish Mustang Association. Some by me and some by other people."
How Ron Roubidoux adopted the Sulphur Springs Utah Mustangs..